Tel: 01273 582999
Prices as of 1st Feb 2024
Initial Appointment: £32 Assessment and treatment, up to 30 mins.
Medical Pedicure and General Appointment: £32 Nail cutting/filing/reduction, callus and corn removal, foot pain assessment and any other general foot care, up to 30 mins.
Verruca Treatments: £32 Assessment, reduction and application of Silver Nitrate and/or Liquid Nitrogen, up to 30 mins.
Verruca Needling: Initial assessment £32 and if surgery opted for; £300 total payable Assessment (up to 30 mins), Needling procedure under local anaesthetic (up to 2 hours), 2 follow up appointments (15 mins each).
Home Visits: £40 General care/medical pedicure in your home. Up to 30 mins.
Nail Surgery (maximum of 2 toes per surgery): initial assessment £32 and if surgery opted for; £300 (1 toe) or £350 (2 toes) total payable Assessment (up to 30 mins), Nail Surgery under local anaesthetic (up to 2 hours), 2 follow up dressing appointments (15 mins each).
Nursing Home Visits: General care given to multiple occupants in a nursing/residential care home. Prices vary dependant on number of customers. Please email for a quote.